Menstrual Issues

  • Perform a patient-centered interview and focused physical exam for a patient presenting with menstrual concerns
  • Propose a relevant differential diagnosis
  • Describe appropriate initial investigations, including biochemical and radiological investigations for specific menstrual symptoms
  • Propose non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management of abnormal uterine bleeding

Core Resources

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Chuong R, Dunn S.  Abnormal Uterine Bleeding One-Page Primer.  DFCM Open.  Published 2010.  Updated 2013.  Available at:  Attribution CC BY-NC-ND

Amenorrhea: A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis and Management

Klein D, Paradise S, Reeder R. Amenorrhea: asystematic approach to diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician. 2019;100(1):39-48.

Diagnosis and management of polycystic
ovarian syndrome

Ebernella Shirin Dason MD, Olexandra Koshkina MD MSc, Crystal Chan MD MSc, Mara Sobel MD MSc CMAJ 2024 January 29;196:E85-94. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.231251

Supplemental Resources

Eval & Mgmt of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Premenopausal Women.pdf

Sweet MG, Schmidt-Dalton TA, Weiss PM, Madsen KP. Evaluation and management of abnormal uterine bleeding in premenopausal women. Am Fam Physician. 2012;85(1):35-43. doi: d10047 [pii].

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Premenopausal Women

Wouk N, Helton M. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Premenopausal Women. Am Fam Physician. 2019: 99(7): 435-443.

Amenorrhea - an Approach to Diagnosis & Mgmt.pdf

Klein DA, Poth MA. Amenorrhea: An approach to diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician. 2013;87(11):781-788. doi: d10456 [pii].