Genital Concerns and STIs

  • Perform a patient-centered interview and focused physical exam, list and interpret clinical findings for a patient presenting with genital concerns
  • Recognize the differences between various genital infections (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Vaginitis, Trichomonas, Genital Warts and Herpes Simplex Virus) in terms of signs and symptoms, and propose a management plan for each condition including diagnostic tests and treatment
  • Counsel a patient on STI prevention and screening as appropriate
  • Have an understanding of the role HPV infection plays in the development of some cancers (cervical, vulvar, anal, oral)

Core Resources

Sexually Transmitted Infections 2019.pdf

Burles K, Vaughan SD, Keegan DA. Sexually Transmitted Infections. Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card. 2019. Available at:

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Lam M, Law M. Sexually Transmitted Infections One-Page Primer. DFCM Open. 2011. Available at: Attribution CC BY-NC-ND


Callery E, Kiehn L. Vaginitis One-Page Primer. DFCM Open. 2013. Available at: Attribution CC BY-NC-ND

Supplemental Resources

Canadian Guidelines on STIs - PHAC

Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections: Section 2 – Primary Care and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Prevention, Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Primary Care Setting. Updated Feb 1, 2013. Available at:

Hepatitis B Vaccine - Immunization

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2023, February 14). Hepatitis B vaccine. Canadian immunization guide: Part 4 – Active vaccines. Government of Canada.

Update on Recommended HPV vaccine immunization schedule - Advisory Committee Statement

Public Health Agency of Canada. An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS): National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) February 2015: Update on the recommended Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine immunization schedule: Summary Table of Information Contained in this NACI Statement. Updated July 7, 2016. Available at:

Human Papillomavirus and Associated Cancers: A Review

Human Papillomavirus and Associated Cancers: A Review Jensen, J.E.; Becker, G.L.;Jackson, J.B.; Rysavy, M.B. Human Papillomavirus and Associated Cancers: A Review. Viruses 2024, 16, 680.