Neonatal Jaundice

Baby being checked with a stethescope


Guidelines for detection, management and prevention of hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm newborn infants

KJ Barrington, K Sankaran; Canadian Paediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee

Managing the jaundiced newborn: a persistent challenge

Maisels M. Managing the jaundiced newborn: a persistent challenge. CMAJ. 2015 Mar;187(5)335-43

Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn

Bryon J. Lauer, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Drexel University College of Medicine, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. Nancy D. Spector, Professor of Pediatrics, Drexel University College of Medicine, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA.

Virtual Patients

Aquifer Cases 8, 9

Aquifer Pediatrics: A case-based virtual course