Menopausal Symptoms

  • Perform a patient-centered interview and focused physical exam for a patient presenting with menopausal symptoms
  • Define menopause and perimenopause
  • Describe common symptoms reported by peri-menopausal and menopausal women
  • Describe basic management principles for menopausal symptoms, including:
    • Lifestyle interventions
    • Non-hormonal treatments
    • Indications for menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)
    • Contraindications to MHT
    • Risks and benefits of MHT

Core Resources

Menopause Clinical Card

Canadian Menopause Society/Société Canadienne de Ménopause. (n.d.). Pocket guide development and acknowledgements. Canadian Menopause Society/Société Canadienne de Ménopause.

MQ6 Interactive Algorithm

Goldstein, S. An efficient tool for primary care management of menopause Can Fam Physician. 2017 Apr; 63(4) 295-298


Agarwal P, Britton E.  Menopause One-Page Primer.  DFCM Open.  2011.  Available at:  Attribution CC BY-NC-ND